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How It Works
Registering for a class is as easy as 1,2,3! If you are interested in a class follow the steps below. We can't wait to hear from you!
Complete the registration form by clicking this link. Or call us directly at 312-319-4040 to verbally inquire.
Upon completing the inquiry form you will be called for more information and a verbal quote will be provided at this time. Once you agree to the quote you must complete the registration contract by clicking this link to secure your class date.
Pay the deposit amount listed on the invoice you will receive upon the completion of your contract.
Once your payment is received your class date is secured.
*Please note that due to the fact that our prices vary based on location, class size, and the instructional material we will no longer be providing initial price quotes via email. Please call to discuss your interests and class goals in order to receive an accurate price estimate. After a verbal quote is provided we will then follow up via email. Please feel free to email us with any additional questions, but initial quotes will only be provided by phone. This will help us provide accurate quotes based on the complexities of each inquiry.
Thank you in advance,
Chameleon Academy
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