As etiquette consultants we work hard to condense a small amount of civility information into a short training session. The world of etiquette is vast. Therefore the tools that we teach are digested more easily by groups that are more engaged. This isn't age based. We teach young children who may be even more engaged than some adults. It just depends on the audience. However, it is very important to note that despite the audience, the etiquette instructor is simply providing resources that students can add to their toolkit. The students may not choose to use them at the time the class is taking place but reinforcement helps.
You should never expect the following out of your etiquette consultant:
Miracle working - If the students you enrolled in the class aren't disciplined enough to listen to you, don't expect the etiquette consultant to come in and completely revamp their behavior. Remember, you have a rapport with the students. The etiquette consultant does not. The etiquette instructor will not discipline the students but they will inform the student that their behavior doesn't fall within proper etiquette standards. It is not the etiquette consulant's job to discipline the students. If you are concerned about the participants being unruly then it is highly recommended that you instill consequences for unacceptable behavior. The etiquette instructor will neither discipline or implement consequences for an unruly student's behavior due to legal reasons. They will simply inform the student and the guardian or staff member if applicable.
To control an unruly group - At Chameleon Academy each group that enrolls in training is made aware a staff member may be required to control the behavior of participants depending on the age and group size. If you are a staff member who chooses to refrain from intervening when you see your group is unruly do not expect your etiquette consultant to do anything but inform them that their behavior is disruptive. This is as far as they will go. As a staff member it is your job to control the behavior of your group.
To proceed with instructing a disruptive group - Etiquette classes are not boot camps. It is unrealistic to think that the behavior of the students will change in one or multiple classes unless they are willfully engaged. If you have a group of students that aren't ready to reach into the new tools provided to them but instead choose to disrupt that class, you can choose to remove them or the instructor has the right to leave. This decision is up to the discretion of the consultant.
These are just a few tips to help you manage your expectations when booking your next etiquette training. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Chameleon Academy prior to booking your training.
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